St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

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Senior Leadership Team:

Executive Headteacher: Ben Caldicott

Head of School: Rosie Matli

Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead: Becky Coleman

SENCO: Cathy Darcy


Business Manager: Emily Howells


Pastoral Team

Learning Mentor: Sammy-Jo Evans

Attendance and Family Support Worker: Kesiah VanDenAkker

Class Teaching Teams:



Teaching Assistant

Class R

Lucy Oliver (MTW)

Rebecca Lloyd (WTF)

Jo Ball

Olga Filippova

Kaylee Toomer (Apprentice)

Class 1

Lucy Smith

Rachel Jones

Julia Williams

Claire Burton


Class 2

 Emily Fosbery

 Fran Spink

Claire Burton

Class 3



Aimee Digby (MTW)

 Kayleigh Preedy (WTF)


Anita Upton (Y3)

Class 4

Zoe Dempster

 Olivia Maybey

Helen Durant


Class 5



Class 6


Rebecca Coleman



Emma Shaw


Jenny Morse



Keely Wilby



 PPA/Non-Contact cover teacher - Naomi Jones-Clark

Interventions and Boosters - Rosie Matli


 Office Team

Business Manager: Emily Howells

Admin Assistant: Sue Stewart

 Admin Assistant- Kaylee Toomer


Lunchtime Staff

Anita Upton

Helen Jones

Olga Filippova

Rose Strong


Cleaning Staff

Helen Jones

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