Welcome to Class 4
Class 4 is taught by Mrs Dempster on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Jones-Clark on Monday. Our TAs are Mrs Mabey and Mrs Durant.
We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for the new term ahead.
Spring Term 2025
As writers we will be learning to -
We will be looking at stories from other cultures, persuasive writing and explanatory texts. We will also be focussing on adding descriptive language to our writing including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and using speech to develop characters.
DoodleEnglish and DoodleSpelling will also support children's learning with regular use.
As Mathematicians we will be learning to –
Expand our times table knowledge and identify how we can use times tables we already know to help us learn new ones. We will also use written methods of addition and subtraction and apply these to a range of different contexts.
Children are also encouraged to use Doodle Times Table regularly to improve their knowledge of times tables.
DoodleMaths are also encouraged as short, regular practise has a big impact.
In Computing, we will be programming using Logo. We will be learning how to use commands to control a screen turtle and will be creating our own algorithms.
As linguists we will learn about colours. We will learn how to read, write, and say different colours. We will also learn how to ask and answer questions about what your favourite colour is.
As theologians we will be studying Christianity. We will be learning about what the Trinity is and why it is significant to the Christian faith. We will also be exploring Gospel stories and developing our understanding of the significance of baptism.
As scientists we will be learning about Animals including Humans
We will learn about the different types of teeth that humans have and how they help with digestion. We will then move onto thinking about the different parts of the digestive system and how each part works. We will also look at food chains, constructing our own and finding the links between teeth, digestion and food chains.
As musicians we will be learning about musical notation.
We will listen to a famous Mozart piece and discuss its dynamics. We will then learn how to play the song on a glockenspiel using correct musical notation. We will also learn and recap technical musical vocabulary,
As historians, we will be learning about – The Vikings
We will learn what life was like for Vikings and when they attacked Britain. We will explore where they invaded and settled and find out why they were so feared and successful. We will learn about their struggle for power and discuss why the Normans and Vikings both thought they had a right to rule England.
As geographers we will be learning about –
The Water Cycle and Map Skills
We will identify each part of the water cycle and find out how it works and what can affect it. We will also start to develop our understanding of map skills, looking at different regions around the world and locating them on the globe.
As athletes we will be learning to play and understand the rules of tag rugby, playing as part of a team and developing our ball skills so that we can pass and score accurately.
Our PE sessions are on Fridays. The children should come to school in their PE Kits including white trainers as most of our PE will take place outside. They will also need a navy tracksuit for when the weather is cooler.
As artists we will be focusing on Printing and textiles. We will look at the traditional designs of Kente cloth and create a range of texture surfaces to combine colour, texture and pattern.
In PSHE, as good citizens we will be learning about Dreams and Goals. We will talk about some of our hopes and dreams and think about how we might feel if they don’t come true. We will develop strategies to help us cope when things do go as we planned and learn that being positive can help us feel better about something disappointing.
At Home:
TEAMS - Please make sure that you regularly check the Class TEAMs page.
As readers we will be developing our fluency and comprehension skills to become accomplished readers. We will use the books 'The Girl Who Stole an Elephant and Varjack Paw.'
Reading is such an important part of a child's learning and can help them in all areas of curriculum. Confident readers become confident writers!
Children are expected to read at home at least five times a week.
Times Table Rock Stars – children that use this regularly at home make real improvements with their recall of multiplication and division facts. Please allow your child to access the website or app regularly at home as it has a noticeable impact for those using it regularly. Children are encouraged to go on TTRS at least three times a week.
We also recommend going on www.timestables.co.uk .
This site will allow pupils to become more familiar with the assessment format they will be required to complete later on in the year. Click on the Multiplication Tables Check tab for this. They will have 6 seconds to complete each of 25 questions.
There are also lots of times tables games to go on here too.
Home Time - If your child is going home with someone other than yourself, please let us know. This can be done by telling the teacher directly the day before, phone or via email. If this is not done, we may not be able to let them go home with someone different without inconveniencing you.
Dressing for the weather - Please make sure that your child comes to school with a coat every day.
Please name all of your child's clothing so we can easily reunite them if anything goes missing.
Ensure your child has a drinking bottle and if they would like, a healthy snack for break time.