Welcome to Class 3
Class 3 will be taught by Mrs Digby (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon) and Miss Preedy (Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday).
Mrs Taylor is our Learning Support Assistant.
As mathematicians
As mathematicians we will be learning – Capacity and Money
We will be reading scales to measure, compare and add/subtract capacity in ml and l. We will also learn how to convert pound to pence and how to find the amount of change needed.
Times tables will also be a focus and we will be practicing these skills in class during the week through a range of interactive learning activities. Doodle learning is a great resource that can be logged on to at home. All children should know their log ins. Please encourage your child to login to this site regularly as it has been shown to have a big impact on their knowledge of timetables.
Children will learn strategies to help them improve their spelling ability.
We will have handwriting practice weekly where children will practice joining letters and continue to increase their consistency and quality of their handwriting .
As scientists
As scientists we will be learning about –
Forces and Magnets
We will compare how things move on different surfaces and notice that some forces need contact and others don’t. We will explore magnets and how they attract and repel each other and different materials.
Labelling belongings...
Please make sure that your child's belongings are labelled with their names, especially coats, cardigans and jumpers. We have trouble reuniting people with their lost property when it is not named. Thank you.
Spring 1
As athletes
Class 3 will be having PE every Wednesday this half term and children should come into school dressed in their PE kit. Please ensure your child is wearing sport trainers and have warm layers because they will be outside for Cricket.
We will be learning – Dance (indoor PE for 1 hour)
We will practise and put together a performance using facial expressions and a prop based on two characters.
We will be learning - Cricket (outdoor PE for 1 hour)
We will learn some of the basic rules of cricket and develop a range of skills to include bowling underarm, stopping a ball using the long barrow technique and how to perform as a wicket keeper.
As artists we will be learning ...
We will continue to explore the range of marks that can be made through printing. We will make our own printing blocks and print on different surfaces. We will explore monoprint - a process where images or marks are scratched into a layer of ink before a print is taken. We will also study the work of Neil Bousfield a contemporary artist and printmaker whose work explores landscape and the changes that take place over time
As musicians we will be learning -
The history of singing.
We will explore hymns, sea shanties and war songs.
As historians we will learning –
The Roman Empire
We will re visit the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age before moving onto learning about the Roman Empire and the impact this time in history had on Britain.
As linguists we will be learning to –
We will learn how to ask and respond to questions about name, age and mood i French.
As designers we will be learning -
How can you do a lot of work with little effort?
We will learn the different features of a mechanism which enable us to be able to do a lot of work with little effort e.g. pushing a wheelbarrow full of soil.
What do we mean by a balanced diet?
We will link our learning with our science knowledge of how our bodies need a balance diet. We will create 2 dishes and learn to explain how these are different from processed food.
As writers
As writers we will be learning to–
Third person narrative
In writing, we will be learning to select precise vocabulary to create an atmosphere, and we will also learn how to use metaphors. We will be writing our own narrative in the third person.
Non- chronological report
Using headings and sub-headings, we will be writing about towns and cities within our locality.
As readers As readers we will be learning about – ‘Sam Wu is NOT afraid of the Dark’ by Katie and Kevin Tsang. We will learn about different techniques used by a writer to create impact and an atmosphere within a story.
As theologians
This unit will look at
How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?
This unit will look at how festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim.
As computing experts
In computing we will be learning about
Programming – Sequencing Sounds
This unit explores the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. The children will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano.
As Geographers
Fieldwork and Map Skills
We will learn about climate zones, rivers, mountains and the water cycle. We will also learn about types of settlements and land use. The vocabulary we learn will help us in our writing.
If you have any questions or concerns please do get in contact.