St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


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Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

Class 5

Welcome to class 5

Class 5 is taught by Ms Coleman (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Jones Clark (Tuesday)

Supported by Mrs Morse

We are very excited to continue to support and encourage your children to develop a love of learning and to enjoy 'life in all its fullness'.


We look forward to supporting your child as they continue their learning journey

Important information:

If your child is going home with someone other than a parent then please ensure you have written a note or spoken to someone in the office.  As part of our Safeguarding Procedures, we must have permission before allowing your child to go home with someone else.

Children need to have a named drinks bottle in school every day. 

Please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing in school that is named.

As your child is now in Class 5, they are allowed to walk home by themselves, however you will need to provide written permission that you are happy for this to happen.  Without this, the children will need to be collected from school.

What are we learning this term?

Maths: Children will complete their work with fractions and percentages before moving onto measurement.  We will measure and compare mass and volume and look at reading and interpreting timetables.

English: We will be writing stories using cultural references and looking at biographies, giving a balanced and interesting view of someone's life.  We will also look at writing a formal letter of application using persuasive language choices and a formal tone.

Reading:  We will be reading A Midsummer Night's Dream - this modern re-telling of Shakespeare’s classic love story brings together the worlds of humans and fairies. Beginning in Athens, it focuses on the four characters of Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander. Much of the action takes place in the magical woodland world of Oberon, King of the Fairies, where we meet the impish fairy, Puck.


Science: We will look at Forces and Earth and Space.  We will be learning about the effects of different forces on objects and linking this to the position, movement and relationship of planets and spherical bodies.  We will also explore the effect the Earth's rotation. tilt and orbit has on day, night and seasons.

Geography : We will build upon our knowledge of longitude and latitude to find locations.  We will then use 4 and 6 figure grid references to find precise locations and learn how to apply this

History : Our topic for this term is Ancient Maya.  We will look at the Mayan city states, people and their inventions.

Art/DT: In Art, we will learn about textiles and collage. In this block, we will take inspiration from natural objects to create textile art  We will combine collage and appliqué techniques to create work that depicts textured surfaces. The children will use a variety of materials including items from nature .  In DT, the children will consider the durability of fabrics.  We will be creating fair tests to investigate the properties of a range of fabrics including insulation and waterproofing.  We will use this information to design and make a functional and hardwearing lunch bag.

Music: We will be learning about Musical Notation and Singing In this unit, children will know about the features of baroque music and be able to use standard stave notation to play melodic patterns using the keyboard.  They will also understand the structures of other types of music, singing as a class in unison and with up to three different parts.

RE: This term class 5 will consider what Christians believe about Jesus being the Messiah. They will investigate what the word Messiah means and then consider what the Bible says about Jesus being the Messiah. The children will also look at how Christians put their beliefs into practice. 

Languages: We will continue to build our vocabulary and understanding of the French language. 

PE: Our focus this term will be Dance.  We will be working with Laura Gale to produce our own dance as part of the Moving Targets initiative.






 Class routines

Monday  - PE Kit to be worn all day

Thursday - Reading diaries to be checked and signed off.             

Every day- Please make sure that your child has their reading book and diary with them in school.

How can you help?


This term PE will be on a Monday

All children must have their full PE kit on for these lessons. Children can come to school in their PE kit. Children with hair longer than their collar need to tie it up and children with earrings need to tape them or take them out.

Children are encouraged to use Doodle and/or Times Table Rock Stars at home at least 3 times a week. 

Children need to read 5 times a week at home. Please ensure these are recorded in their reading diaries and signed by an adult. As the number of reads accumulates, they will climb the reading gem ladder and receive a certificate for each one. They can earn a book at the end of the year if they have reached platinum.  

Useful websites:

Home - BBC Bitesize 

Times tables games - Learn them all here!


Questions or Concerns

Please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any concerns, no matter how big or small, you or your child have. We will always endeavour to respond as quickly as we can and offer any support.

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