Welcome to Reception Class
Within our Reception year, learning takes place through seven different areas; Communication and Language, Expressive Arts and Design, Physical Development, Understanding the World, Mathematics, Personal Social and Emotional Development and Literacy.
Autumn Term
This term our topic will be ‘Terrific Tales’ we will be learning lots of lovely stories to inspire our learning. During this term we will be getting to know each other and making new friends. We will meet our Year 6 buddies and go on a trip with them too.
We have been busy getting everything ready for the start of term and cant wait for the children to see their new classroom!
Mrs Oliver & Miss Lloyd (Class Teachers)
Ms Ball, (HLTA) Mrs Olga, Miss Toomer (Class TAs)
If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff (After School) write in the communication book, send a message on Tapestry or email.
- Children do not need snacks, fruit is provided in school (If your child will only eat certain fruits they may bring something from home (fruit only please)
- Reading books will be changed twice a week, we would please encourage you to read with your child 5x a week at home.
- Please encourage your child to practise putting their coat and shoes on independently. This will benefit the children hugely and will help them to become more independent as the year progresses.
- PE will be on Fridays please can children come to school wearing their PE Kit. As Fridays will also be Forest School Day, they need to wear something that is appropriate for both. PE joggers and PE top would be suitable. Please provide waterproof trousers to put over the top of Joggers etc, coat and wellies.
As Mathematicians we will be learning to –
count objects, actions and sounds. We will be looking at numbers to ten and learning to recognise and compare them. We will be doing this through short, whole class sessions as well as within our classroom provision. We will learn counting songs and rhymes to help us.
Communication and Language
We will develop our use of language across all areas of the curriculum and use storytelling to begin to orally tell new stories. We will be exploring lots of different areas of our classroom, as well as forest school, to help develop our language. Our topic this term is Terrific Tales.
Continuous Provision
We will continue to provide a wealth of learning activities each week for the children to access. All of these activities are linked to the 7 areas of learning and also incorporate the children's own interests.
Religious Education
Being special: where do we belong?
We will be looking at different groups we belong to and who is special to us text...
Children will have access to the outdoor area throughout the whole day despite the weather. Please make sure that they come to school with appropriate clothing including a warm coat when the weather turns and sun cream and a hat for those warm sunny days.
We use Tapestry to keep you up to date with your child's learning journey. Please remember to check on tapestry to see what we have been learning about. Remember to add your own photos and comments about achievements out of school – these are fantastic for us to see.
As writers we will be learning to –
recognise and write our own name. We will build our fine motor skills through dough disco sessions and fine motor activities. We will explore mark making, both in our indoor and outdoor classrooms. We will experiment with different marks and how different materials create different marks.
We will begin our phonics sessions this half term with looking at environmental sounds. We will explore different sounds, learn rhymes and begin to look at single letter correspondences. We will be using our scheme, Supersonic Phonic Friends and meeting lots of new characters
Understanding the World
We will be learning to explore our senses through natural materials. We will learn about the seasons and changes that we might see.
Physical Development
In PE we will be developing our skills in movement, experimenting with different ways of moving such as jumping, sliding and rolling. We will be making shapes with our bodies and exploring balancing in a variety of ways.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will be learning to play different musical instruments and explore the sounds that they can make. We will explore colour mixing and begin to explore emotions through drawings. text...