St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

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SMSC and Cultural Capital

SMSC and Cultural Capital


St James CE primary School, Hereford CE (VA) has a detailed long-term plan covering all aspects of SMSC. This plan is under constant review so that we can take into account our rapidly changing world and learning opportunities which arise under this heading. Our whole school community lives out our core Christian Values of Friendship, Hope Perseverance, Thankfulness, Love and Forgiveness through everything we say and do in school. For specific evidence and examples, please see whole school and class based SMSC evidence.            






Spiritual development is concerned with developing the non-material aspects of life, focusing on personal insight, values, meaning and purpose.

Beliefs that help provide perspective on life may be rooted in a religion, but

equally may not. Children learn the fundamental British Value of exploring and respecting the values and beliefs of others.


Moral development is largely about choices, behaviour and how you live your life. It is also about personal and societal values, understanding the reasons for them, airing, and understanding disagreements. Children develop the fundamental British Value of investigating moral values and ethical issues, and recognising and applying right and wrong.

Social development shows pupils working together effectively, relating well to adults and participating in the local community.  It also includes the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs;

Cultural development is about

understanding and feeling

comfortable in a variety of cultures and experiencing a range of cultural activities (art, theatre, travel, concerts). Children develop the fundamental British Value of exploring, understanding and tolerance regarding the diversity of cultural traditions and beliefs of others.

What do we do?

Daily Collective worship led by member of staff and members of the local church.



Celebration of different religious festivals, as well as Christian Values, cultural events and special themes through planned Collective Worship programme.


Weekly whole school Sharing/Celebration Assemblies


Golden rules known, displayed and adhered to by everyone in school


RE curriculum planning


PSHCE curriculum

Class Circle time


Curriculum links and projects


Playtime equipment and mixed age ball games


Charity links and fundraising: Local Food bank collection at Harvest.

Red Nose day and Children in Need collections; Christmas Shoe Box appeal

Parental involvement in charity fundraising


School Prayer displayed and regularly used in classes.



Planned visits to places of worship of other faiths.


Annual creative prayer and Spiritual Development days.


Prayer and reflection spaces in each classroom


Outstanding SIAMS rating.


What do we do?

Daily Collective worship led by member of staff and members of the local church.



Celebration of different religious festivals, as well as Christian Values, cultural events and special themes through planned Collective Worship programme.


Weekly whole school Sharing/Celebration Assemblies


 Golden rules known, displayed and adhered to by everyone in school


RE curriculum planning


Cross-curricular links and projects


School aims, values for learning and teaching


PSHE curriculum


Class Circle time


Golden rules displayed and referred to in every classroom.


Charity links and fundraising: Local Food bank collection at Harvest.

Red Nose day and Children in Need collections; Christmas Shoe Box appeal

Parental involvement in charity fundraising


Work of the School Council – planning fundraising, leading tours of school, contributing to school prospectus, conducting Pupil survey


Fair trade awareness


Quality of adult-child and child-child interaction


Range of after school and lunchtime clubs.


Variety of after school clubs to support children’s personal development, choices and teamwork is modelled and encouraged

What do we do?

Daily Collective worship led by member of staff and members of the local church.



Celebration of different religious festivals, as well as Christian Values, cultural events and special themes through planned Collective Worship programme.


Weekly whole school Sharing/Celebration Assemblies


Golden rules known, displayed and adhered to by everyone in school


Cross-phase playtimes


A range of inter school competitions for sport, writing and maths.


Buddies System


PSHE curriculum

Class Circle time


School aims, values and principles for learning and teaching


Behaviour Policy focuses on encouraging positive relationships


Playtime equipment and mixed age ball games and playtime activities. Year 6 Playtime buddies.


Year 6 responsibilities in school.


Work of the School Council – planning fundraising, leading tours of school, contributing to school prospectus, conducting Pupil survey


Annual Year 6 Crucial Crew visit


Each child has regularly reviewed personal curricular targets.


Annual Residential visits inY4 / Y6.


Whole school Harvest, Christmas and Easter services held at local Church.


Charity links and fundraising: Local Food bank collection at Harvest.

Red Nose day and Children in Need collections; Christmas Shoe Box appeal; Parental involvement in charity fundraising


Families invited into school for events e.g. Local history project stay-and-learn day, WW2 tea party.


Links with local community – attend KS1 Nativity,v



Classes vote for School Council members.


A range of moral debates planned throughout the curriculum e.g. deforestation.


School eco club


Transition work – Pre-school to Reception, Y6 – Y7 transition days, Whole school transition day.

What do we do?

Daily Collective worship led by member of staff and members of the local church.



Celebration of different religious festivals, as well as Christian Values, cultural events and special themes through planned Collective Worship programme.


Weekly whole school Sharing/Celebration Assemblies


RE curriculum planning



HT reports to Governors – curriculum events


Planned visits to places of worship of other faiths.



PSHE curriculum


Class Circle time


MFL curriculum


Variety of after school clubs to support children’s personal development, choices and teamwork is modelled and encouraged


Cross-Curricular links and projects


Range of multi-cultural books and resources in school and within school library.


Understanding local culture.


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