St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


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Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2.

Mrs Fosbery- Class Teacher

Mrs Spink and Mrs Durant- Class TA


Welcome back to a new school year at St James and to Class Two.

I hope the children are feeling rested after the holiday and ready for a new term of learning.

We're looking forward to our new adventures together learning new routines and topics in our friendly, caring class.


As writers we will be –

Developing our use of appropriate adjectives to write noun phrases while writing a character description.


We will also be able to retell a story in the

correct order and use a range of descriptive

devices to describe characters and settings.


Handwriting and spelling will be a key area of focus throughout the Autumn term.


As readers we will be reading –

- Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies

- The Goose that laid the golden eggs

- Mrs Noah’s pocket


We will be focusing on our comprehension skills and vocabulary development through book talk sessions as well as developing our retrieval and inference skills.


As computer software developers-


IT around us

We will be learning about IT around us, at home, at school and in the world.  We will learn about different devices and how to use IT safely.


As Geographers we will be learning about-

Local area study-

We will be looking at the human and physical features of St James.


The UK to another Non-European Country-

We will be looking closely at London and Nairobi and comparing the human and physical features.


As Mathematicians we will be-

Developing our understanding of place value building on our learning from Year 1. We will compare numbers up to 100 and learn to count in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.


We will also be introducing daily mental arithmetic lessons.


Our PE lessons will be on Monday afternoons this term. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit. 

As athletes we will be learning to –

Gymnastics- We will use our bodies in different ways, learning new balancing skills and using equipment.

Attack, Defend, Shoot- We will be working on our ball skills, and partner/ team work.


As musicians we will be working on –

Experimenting with sounds

We will focus on Samba music and rehearse, create and perform different rhythms.


As designers we will be learning about

Mechanisms ‒


We will learn how to use a template to create a simple patchwork, using basic stitches.


As scientists we will be investigating –


Living Things and their Habitats


We will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.

We will investigate how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.


As artists we will be learning about



We will experiment by using a range of materials to create different marks.  We will create tones and learn how to use a variety of painting techniques, including stippling.  We will also explore how to combine techniques to create texture and shape.



As historians we will be learning about

The Great Fire of London


 We will investigate the cause and effect of the Great Fire of London.

This event happened a long time ago – over 350 years. The chronology focuses on the events over a few terrible days rather than a depth study into the period of time.  We will look at the cause and effects of the fire.


As theologians we will be investigating-

Who is a Muslim and How do they live?


We will be learning about Islam and understanding who Muslims are and that they believe in God (Allah). Also, we will Investigate, who is the Prophet Muhammad and what can Muslims learn from stories about him?


Being in my World

We will be discussing our hopes for the year, how we can make good choices and take responsibility for our actions. 

Things to Remember

Monday – PE kits

Every day – Bring reading books and reading diaries into school.

Every day – Coats and drinks.

Please make sure all clothing is named, especially jumpers and cardigans. 

If you have any queries about anything that we are doing in Class 2 or need support with anything, please don’t hesitate to email or come and speak to me.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Fosbery

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